about me
early years
in the 50's
in the 60's
in the 70's
in the 80's
in the 90's
in the 01's
I still design Tea Towels, but not so many, and I see my four grandchildren a lot. I do paint all the time when I am not doing anything else, and I illustrated a book in 2006, A Gospel of Wild Flowers. It is written by Anthony Foottit who is a retired bishop here in Norfolk. It is a book of his sermons, each one devoted to one wild flower, and I have done 56 flower paintings in watercolour to illustrate them. I grow lots of flowers in my garden and allottment here, and I love arranging them and painting them sometimes in Bridgewater mugs and jugs. I grow vegetables and I love painting and cooking and eating them.
I have had two one-man shows of my paintings. The first in 2003 in a gallery in a wonderful garden in Norfolk, The Old Vicarage at East Ruston. The flower paintings were all inspired by the garden; I sat and painted among the flowers from Dahlia time one year 'till the next year's tulips came out. The Chelsea Arts Club gave me an exhibition of my flower paintings in 2005, and I have shown in mixed exhibitions in London and Cambridge.
Our house here is smaller than the one in London and not enough room for all my drawings and fabric samples. So a lot of my best work is in the archive department of the Victoria and Albert museum.
I have been indulging quite heavily in nostalgia recently, firstly selecting what work was going to the V&A and secondly what I should include on this web site. So, here it is, nearly 60 years of designing.