the eighties
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 HOME

about me

early years
in the 50's
in the 60's
in the 70's
in the 90's
in the 00's
in the 01's
afm035.jpg I just kept on designing. I hope with the extremely busy designing life I was living, that my work was progressing. I think my drawing improved and technically I was making fewer mistakes. I loved the whole process of the first ideas on paper, showing them to my client and then working out co-ordinating products. I had a pretty free hand as far as ideas went with The National Trust; a general theme was chosen, sometimes by me, sometimes by them. I worked very closely with the design buyers in London and with the regional staff when I was designing "special" tea towels, table linen, kitchen textiles and ceramics, often co-ordinated with the tea towel. But I designed a number of paper products, wrapping paper, folders and covered books. It seemed that if I was happy with my ideas on paper, then so were they. We produced very large ranges of co-ordinating products. It was important to get the colour matching right on the very different surfaces of cloth, pottery, tin and paper. You will see some of these ranges on my website. I also designed for The National Trust for Scotland and visited wonderful Scottish Castles and Gardens. I worked on lots of new designs with Cuckoobird and started designing patterns for tin trays and boxes for Joe Luber in Switzerland. I did tea towels for charities other than the Trust and designed a range of co-ordinating fabrics for Cloth Kits.
Matthew was at Art School and designing theatre sets (and soon he would be designing products himself) but by the end of the 80's I was designing for him.