1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | ABOUT ME |
I started thinking about design when I was very young. I went to Art School in Hull when I was 16. But it became a serious matter when I went to The Royal College of Art in 1950. England was just recovering from the second world war and there were still shortages, clothes and some food were still rationed. It seemed that new good design would make the world a lighter and brighter place. The Festival of Britain in 1951 expressed the feelings of everyone in the arts and industry in the country.
I have selected some of the most representative work I have done in the last fifty years and have arranged it in decades, from the 50's to the present day.
Click on the bar at the top of this page to bring up pictures of some of my work from the fifties, sixties and so on. Once there, click on any of the titles uderneath the small 'thumbnails' to open up an enlargement with some more information about that picture.
Finally, after the pictures, 'About Me' leads to a short autobiography of my life from my early days in Hull to the present time in Norfolk (England, that is, for visitors from abroad). If you want to contact me, please click the button below and send me an e-mail. | Visitor number: 8469 |